Packs must not exceed 14 persons. It is unsafe and difficult for leaders to control if the numbers are too large. It is also recommended that new packs be formed to help new and slower members to get fitter.
Crossing Roads
Always look both ways before crossing. Cross together whenever it is possible.
WAIT for the whole group to catch up before and after crossing.
Where possible cross at controlled intersections, never cross at an uncontrolled intersection. Cross 50 metres or so down the road. This will avoid the risk of cars coming at you from all directions.
Sometimes, a motorist will come to a stop and wave the group to cross. Never take advantage of this as it is highly dangerous. Stand your ground on the side of the road and wave the motorist on.
Pace and Leaders
Leaders, please be considerate of everyone in your pack. Don’t start off too fast; let your muscles warm up slowly to avoid injury.
Leaders should keep looking behind them to make sure everyone is together and walking comfortably. Remember we are exercising, not racing, so try to keep a pace to suit everyone.
Always tell the whole pack where you are heading, not just those close behind you. Always face into the oncoming traffic and keep to the footpaths as much as possible, think of other peoples' safety too.
When 2 abreast, make room for people coming towards you. Don’t monopolise the footpath and expect them to stand aside for you.
Never overtake the leaders unless going up a hill, then wait at the top & reassemble. When close to home it is OK to “dig it in” for a strong individual finish.
Be aware of bikes on pathways and footpaths, and cars reversing out of driveways.
Be sensible
Never leave anyone to drop off the pack and be on his or her own. If the pace is too fast for someone, 2 or 3 of the slower group members should drop back with them.
NEVER let anyone who is feeling unwell head back to the clubrooms alone. At least one other person should accompany them.
Carry a mobile phone for any emergencies, and programme in the clubroom’s number 576-4330.
Take water with you in the hot weather and wear a hat and sunscreen for protection from the sun.
Know when to stop walking. Heat, sickness, dehydration, heart attack & stroke can strike walkers of any age. Learn the symptoms and be aware.
It is an ACC requirement that all clubs report any serious accidents that occur to members.
If you have a fall or accident that causes any injury while out on your walks or runs, please record it on an incident form and report to a committee member upon your return to the clubrooms.
Our forms are kept in a folder at the end of the leaflet rack near the first aid box.
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